Booming Panama – No Longer ‘Just a Canal’

By |2014-07-13T14:59:52+00:00July 13th, 2014|

Panama has long been blighted by misconceptions. When most people think of Panama, they think of the canal, hats, cigars and 'Prison Break'. For that reason, Panama has largely remained beneath the investor radar, during which time it has actually achieved China-like growth consistently year-on-year over the past decade. The Telegraph today highlighted Panama as [...]

The Panama Canal expansion and its recovery in the region

By |2014-07-12T14:57:00+00:00July 12th, 2014|

International trade will receive a strong boost with the inauguration of the works increasing the Panama Canal. They will allow much larger ships to pass, and greater traffic and diversification of goods, as well as benefiting the commercial relations of South America with the East Coast of Mexico, the Gulf, the Caribbean and the USA, [...]

They issued coins for 100 years of the Panama Canal

By |2014-07-11T14:40:41+00:00July 11th, 2014|

At the last Council of Cabinet of the Ricardo Martinelli minting commemorative centennial coins Panama Canal was approved. These collector coins $ 20, while in the current 25-cent circulation coins are minted. In addition to commemorating the 100th anniversary of the waterway, which opened on August 15, 1914, seeks to raise funds for the National [...]

Varela quiere que Panamá sea parte civil en juicio en Italia por sobornos

By |2014-07-10T14:37:33+00:00July 10th, 2014|

El presidente electo de Panamá, Juan Carlos Varela, quiere que su Administración sea parte civil en el caso de la compañía. Finmeccanica, aunque el plazo para ello vence este viernes, al reanudarse en Italia el juicio que implica a esa empresa en supuestos sobornos a funcionarios panameños. El secretario de Comunicación del Estado panameño designado [...]

Nicaragua y el anhelo de un futuro sin pobreza

By |2014-07-09T14:34:25+00:00July 9th, 2014|

Niña pobre en NicaraguaManagua (PL) Cuarenta años de dictadura, terremotos, la guerra en la década de los 80 y las políticas neoliberales de los 90 lastraron con fuerza la economía nicaragüense; sin embargo, ese escenario se transforma. Por décadas este país centroamericano ha cargado con el triste epíteto de ser el segundo más pobre del [...]

HKND no habría presentado estudios por el proyecto del canal en Nicaragua

By |2014-07-08T14:32:28+00:00July 8th, 2014|

Más de una semana después de conocerse las reuniones que HKND Group sostuvo con diversas organizaciones para presentarles el proyecto del Gran Canal Interoceánico, solo el Banco Mundial (BM) y Fauna y Flora Internacional (FFI) respondieron por separado a consultas del medio nicaragüense La Prensa sobre el encuentro, y explicaron que la empresa no presentó [...]

Kuhne happy over P3

By |2014-07-07T14:31:22+00:00July 7th, 2014|

German logistics billionaire Klaus-Michael Kuhne has backed the death of the P3 liner alliance as good for the industry. Chinese authorities killed off the cooperation deal between Maersk, MSC and CMA CGM this month. Kuhne said this would help preserve competition between carriers. “The infinite wisdom of the Chinese has helped to ensure that competition between [...]

CMA CGM shareholder urges P3 carriers not to give up

By |2014-07-06T14:29:40+00:00July 6th, 2014|

CMA CGM shareholder Robert Yildirim was not surprised by China’s rejection of the P3 Network but urged the carriers not to give up on the idea. Speaking on the sidelines of the TOC Europe exhibition, Mr Yildirim, president and chief executive of Yildirim Holdings, said that having worked in China for more than 20 years, [...]

Some West Coast shippers stuck with no backup plans

By |2014-07-03T14:27:54+00:00July 3rd, 2014|

It’s too late for some retailers depending on shipments through West Coast ports. If they have no contingency plans for a potential strike or slowdown tied to International Longshore and Warehouse Union negotiations, they sit with fingers crossed. The contract between West Coast dockworkers and their employers, the Pacific Maritime Association, expires at midnight June [...]

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